



package properties

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By Inheritance
  1. properties
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. case class AppId(appId: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional application identifier message-property.

    Optional application identifier message-property. Useful to help indicate which application generated a message.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter.

  2. case class ClusterId(clusterId: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable

  3. case class ContentEncoding(contentEncoding: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional contentEncoding message-property.

    Optional contentEncoding message-property. Op-Rabbit's serialization layer will automatically set / read this for you.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter.

  4. case class ContentType(contentType: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional contentType message-property.

    Optional contentType message-property. Op-Rabbit's serialization layer will automatically set / read this for you.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter.

  5. case class CorrelationId(id: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional correlationId message-property.

    Optional correlationId message-property. Useful when doing RPC over message queue. When requesting a response, set correlationId to some unique string value (a UUID?); when responding, send this same correlationId.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter.

  6. case class DeliveryModePersistence(persistent: Boolean = false) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Property used to inform RabbitMQ of message handling; IE - should the message be persisted to disk, in case of a Broker restart?

    Property used to inform RabbitMQ of message handling; IE - should the message be persisted to disk, in case of a Broker restart?

    RabbitMQ uses an integer to represent these two states, 1 for non-persistent, 2 for persistent. To reduce confusion, Op-Rabbit maps these integers to a boolean.

    Note, RabbitMQ's default behavior is to NOT persist messages. Also, it is pointless to deliver persistent messages to a non-durable message queue. Further, non-persistent messages in a durable queue WILL NOT survive broker restart (unless replication has been configured using an HA policy).

  7. case class Expiration(expiration: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional expiration message-property.

    Optional expiration message-property.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter. If you want messages to expire, see TTL.

  8. trait FromHeaderValue[T] extends AnyRef


    Trait which describes converters that convert a HeaderValue from one type to another.

  9. class Header extends MessageProperty


    Header describes a RabbitMQ Message Header or Queue / Exchange / Binding argument; its type is unknown, but the subspace of valid RabbitMQ types are modeled with HeaderValue, preventing accidental usage of an unsupported type by RabbitMQ.

    Header describes a RabbitMQ Message Header or Queue / Exchange / Binding argument; its type is unknown, but the subspace of valid RabbitMQ types are modeled with HeaderValue, preventing accidental usage of an unsupported type by RabbitMQ.

    If you use custom headers, using TypedHeader is preferred over Header.

    You can instantiate an UnboundHeader for use in both reading and writing the header:

    val RetryHeader = Header("x-retry")
    Subscription {
      channel() {
        consume(queue("name")) {
          property([Int]) { retries =>
            // ...
    rabbitControl ! QueueMessage("My body", "name", Seq(RetryHeader(5)))
  10. type HeaderMap = HashMap[String, AnyRef]

  11. sealed trait HeaderValue extends AnyRef


    Trait which represents all values allowed in property generc headers

    Trait which represents all values allowed in property generc headers

    See the source for com.rabbitmq.client.impl.ValueReader.readFieldValue

  12. case class MessageId(messageId: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional messageId message-property.

    Optional messageId message-property.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter.

  13. trait MessageProperty extends AnyRef

  14. implicit class PimpedBasicProperties extends AnyRef

  15. case class Priority(priority: Int) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Property used to inform RabbitMQ of message priority.

    Property used to inform RabbitMQ of message priority. Destination queue must be configured as a priority queue. Priority Queue Support.

  16. case class ReplyTo(replyTo: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional replyTo message-property.

    Optional replyTo message-property. Useful when doing RPC over message queues.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter.

  17. case class Timestamp(timestamp: Date) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional timestamp message-property.

    Optional timestamp message-property.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter.

  18. type ToHeaderValue[T, V <: HeaderValue] = (T) ⇒ V

  19. case class Type(type: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional Type message-property.

    Optional Type message-property.

    Application use only: RabbitMQ does not read, set, or use this parameter.

  20. class TypedHeader[T] extends MessageProperty


    TypedHeader describes a RabbitMQ Message Header or Queue / Exchange / Binding argument; its type is known, and implicit proof is required to prove that the type can be safely converted to a supported RabbitMQ type.

    TypedHeader describes a RabbitMQ Message Header or Queue / Exchange / Binding argument; its type is known, and implicit proof is required to prove that the type can be safely converted to a supported RabbitMQ type.

    If you use custom headers, using TypedHeader is preferred over Header. For example, if you use the header x-retry, and this header contains an integer, using TypedHeader to extract and set the header will enable the type system enforce that fact:

    val RetryHeader = TypedHeader[Int]("x-retry")
    Subscription {
      channel() {
        consume(queue("name")) {
          property(RetryHeader) { retries: Int =>
            // ...
    rabbitControl ! QueueMessage("My body", "name", Seq(RetryHeader(5)))
  21. case class UnboundHeader(name: String) extends (HeaderValue) ⇒ Header with PropertyExtractor[HeaderValue] with HashMapExtractor[HeaderValue] with Product with Serializable


    Describes a Header without a value.

    Describes a Header without a value. Can be used in conjunction with to extract a HeaderValue from messages. Also, cab be applied with a HeaderValue to create a Header.

  22. trait UnboundTypedHeader[T] extends (T) ⇒ TypedHeader[T] with PropertyExtractor[T] with HashMapExtractor[T]


    Describes a TypedHeader without a value.

    Describes a TypedHeader without a value. Can be used in conjunction with to extract a T from a message's headers. Also, can be applied with T to created a TypedHeader.

    Rather than instantiate these directly, use TypedHeader$.{{apply}}.

    See TypedHeader

  23. case class UserId(userId: String) extends MessageProperty with Product with Serializable


    Optional User Id message-property.

    Optional User Id message-property. This property IS used by RabbitMQ, and should VERY LIKELY NOT be used with application User Ids. For more information, read

Value Members

  1. object AppId extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  2. object ClusterId extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  3. object ContentEncoding extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  4. object ContentType extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  5. object CorrelationId extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  6. object DeliveryModePersistence extends PropertyExtractor[Boolean] with Serializable

  7. object Expiration extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  8. object FromHeaderValue

  9. object Header


    See Header

  10. object HeaderValue

  11. object MessageId extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  12. object Priority extends PropertyExtractor[Int] with Serializable

  13. object ReplyTo extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  14. object Timestamp extends PropertyExtractor[Date] with Serializable

  15. object Type extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  16. object TypedHeader


    See TypedHeader

  17. object UserId extends PropertyExtractor[String] with Serializable

  18. def builderWithProperties(properties: TraversableOnce[MessageProperty], builder: Builder = new Builder(), headers: Option[HeaderMap] = None): Builder

  19. def toJavaMap(headers: Seq[Header], existingMap: HeaderMap = null): HeaderMap


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
